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Japanese Pokemon API Version 1

Card Object

name string

The name of the card.

sequenceNumber integer

The sequential number of the card (applicable to Secret Rares).

printedNumber integer

The number printed on the card, will be the same as sequenceNumber almost always. Is relevant for Promotional cards such as SWSH001

hp int

The amount of HP the card has. If it does not have hp, then the value will be -1.

type string

The energy type the card is.

evolvesFrom string

If the card evolves from another card, this field will denote the name of the pre-evolution.

effect string

Describes the card's effect. Mainly for Trainers and Special Energies.

attacks string

Unparsed string describing all attacks the card has. Includes energy cost, attack name, attack damage, and any description or further effects.

rules string

Describes rules the card is bound to. Mainly for cards with a Rule Box and certain Trainers.

weakness string

The type of energy the card is weak to. Does not include weakness modifier, only the type.

resistance string

The type of energy the card is resistant to. Does not include resistance modifier, only the type.

rarity string

The rarity of the card.

retreatCost string

The amount of energy required to retreat.

cardType string

The subset that the card falls into. For example, Single Strike Pokemon, Pokemon VMAX, etc.

illustrator string

The card art's illustrator.

setName string

The name of the set which the card belongs to.

imageUrl string

The url pointing to the card's image. If there is no card image, then this will instead point to

cardUrl string

The URL which leads to the original card URL data.

Set Object

name string

The name of the set.

year string

The year the set was released.

total integer

The total number of cards in the set.

printedTotal integer

The number of cards in the set that is printed on the card. This differs from the set's total in sets with Secret Rare cards.

language string

The language that the cards in the set are printed in.

setUrl string

The URL to a page which has more information about the set.

shorthand string

The shorthand code for the set.

image string

A URL to the official set's image.